Big huge shout-outs to Kim at A Life of Style for once again showing me bloglove...she's so sweet and her blog is fab. If you haven't checked it out please do.
She tagged lil ole me as a blog one of her favourite blogs and I'm sharing the love by posting some of my faves. I currently subscribe to over 100 blogs so I can't share them all but these are some great ones:
- Scandalous Beauty
- Clumps of Mascara
- A Life of Style
- Not in My Colour
- Lipstick Powder n Paint
- Life of a Ladybug
- Beauty and Personal Grooming
And in the spirit of sharing the bloglove....
Here are the rules:
1. The nominated is allowed to put this picture on their blogs.
2. Link to the person who hearted you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other people and link to them.
4. Leave a message on those people's blog to make them aware that they're nominated
You're very welcome!
Thanks for the luv!
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