I'm sorry I've been away from you so long, it was a bit of a hectic week at work and my B12 shot is starting to wear off so I'm a bit more tired than usual.
Sidebar: B12 shots are the greatest invention ever for those ladies that are a little less than energetic. Get your bloodwork done if you find yourself dragging ass a little too often.
So today we're talking skincare and no beauty blog would be complete without a MAC post so...
Without further ado, today's topic is: MAC Matte

MAC's website describes Matte as "A matte-ifying cream that acts like a powder Matte adds a sheer, no-shine matte texture in one smooth layer" Well as some people say, they ain't never lied. I have extremely oily skin and this is a great product for helping to control shine. Let me just reiterate it: it helps to control shine. It does not completely eliminate it.
I apply a thin layer of matte over my moisturizer (This week I used LaRoche-Posay's Effaclar) and under my foundation (MAC StudioFix Liquid). I've heard talk on MUA that some people noticed their pores were a lot less visible after applying Matte. That didn't happen for me, but then again I don't pay a whole lot of attention to whether I can see my pores on a daily basis.
Update: Yeah clearly I don't pay attention when I do things, because the other day I actually looked at my face while I was applying this, and my suitcase-sized pores were disappearing before my eyes. So yes it does make pores less visible.
Anyway, after applying it my skin felt silky and was noticeably less shiny. It also makes my foundation go one more easily and I find I even use less now. (One pump and a foundation brush is more than enough for my whole face). I set it with Blot Powder applied with a brush and my skin looks great until lunchtime. That's about 5 hours.
I can't lie: I do need to apply powder to my nose a couple of times throughout my workday, but overall this product really helps to keep me look fresh through the end of my day. Prior to this, I would get home and look at myself and all my foundation and concealer would be worn off and my face would just be a big ole shiny greaseball mess. Now. I may be glowing a little bit when I get home but I still look like a presentable human being.
Another thing I love about this product is that it just feels natural on my face. I've used other oil control products that have helped to control shine, but by the end of the day my skin literally felt like it was choking on all the oil it was not allowed to produce. It was a very creepy feeling that I just did not enjoy at all.
I apply a thin layer of matte over my moisturizer (This week I used LaRoche-Posay's Effaclar) and under my foundation (MAC StudioFix Liquid). I've heard talk on MUA that some people noticed their pores were a lot less visible after applying Matte. That didn't happen for me, but then again I don't pay a whole lot of attention to whether I can see my pores on a daily basis.
Update: Yeah clearly I don't pay attention when I do things, because the other day I actually looked at my face while I was applying this, and my suitcase-sized pores were disappearing before my eyes. So yes it does make pores less visible.
Anyway, after applying it my skin felt silky and was noticeably less shiny. It also makes my foundation go one more easily and I find I even use less now. (One pump and a foundation brush is more than enough for my whole face). I set it with Blot Powder applied with a brush and my skin looks great until lunchtime. That's about 5 hours.
I can't lie: I do need to apply powder to my nose a couple of times throughout my workday, but overall this product really helps to keep me look fresh through the end of my day. Prior to this, I would get home and look at myself and all my foundation and concealer would be worn off and my face would just be a big ole shiny greaseball mess. Now. I may be glowing a little bit when I get home but I still look like a presentable human being.
Another thing I love about this product is that it just feels natural on my face. I've used other oil control products that have helped to control shine, but by the end of the day my skin literally felt like it was choking on all the oil it was not allowed to produce. It was a very creepy feeling that I just did not enjoy at all.
So the wiwfm verdict is yes...depending on your objectives. If you want something to stop your face from producing oil whatsoever, this is not going to work for you. Is there even a product out there that does that? I don't know. Anyway, if your objective is to find something to help you fight the battle against shine, this will do it.
Sidebar #2 - the website also says "apply M·A·C Matte to eyelids before applying Eye Shadow or Paints to help increase the longevity of the makeup and reduce creasing". I can't comment on this claim because even though this does get on my eyelids when I apply it to my whole face, I use Urban Decay Primer Potion as my main primer. But give it a try ladies and let me know how it works for you.
thanks for this review! as you pretty much echo my sentiment about this product.
Hi! I used it under M·A·C paint whih I use under my shadow, it seemed to work well!!
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